About Jaffa


Jaffa initiated and developed her artistic career during the period she lived and worked in Europe.
Her daily exposure to the cultural and artistic richness of ancient European cities, coupled with a professional background in Architecture, sparked her desire to express herself by creating art.

Jaffa’s early sculpting work with live models helped develop her representational and observational skills and abilities. Living in Spain, she was stimulated by ­­the free-spirited environment, architecture and art and by the spectacular work of local artists, such as Gaudi and Miro. Over time, her style has further developed towards ”Geometrical Abstraction”, adopting some elements of Cubism, and incorporating Geometric and movement elements as well.

Jaffa has participated in many exhibitions and competitions in the USA, Spain and Israel, and has twice won “First Prize” awards.  Her work was also selected to be displayed in the future “Parque de Levante Museum” in Murcia, Spain.  She works in clay, bronze, stone and plaster. In the last couple of years, she has also ventured into painting, as she continues to develop her artistic style and range of expression.

Jaffa graduated from Ort Technicom in Israel, with a degree in Architecture, and has taken numerous art courses in various countries, including a year of intensive art training at The Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute in London, UK.